Valuable Message: Turn the Computer Off When It Get Warm!

Mom Said: Turn The Computer Off |

I do not want to play outside with my friends, the weather is hot! I'd play the computer. Computer is more fun! I will not get bullied if playing a game.

-Me (2004)

Study Cases

Valuable message from my mom, she always told me: When the computer feels warm immediately turning it off, you should go play out with your friends.

After I get to know the world of gaming, I always spend my time to sit, and playing a PC game. I rarely interact with my friends. Actually my abode is quite convenient.

To give you a description about my abode, it is still very natural. There are a river, shady trees, and quite spacious soccer field.

River |
You can imagine how beautiful  it's
But, I prefer to ONLY playing at home with myself.

Did you ever feel the same?

My parents never banning me for playing computer. I play all day, and just think to stop when the monitor get warm.

O parents, I want to tell you a secret, if your computer suddenly can't turned on:

Unsolved mystery why your computer suddenly can't turned ON

Your computer broken is not by always played,
Your computer broken is not by unstable voltage,
Your computer broken is not also by rat biting the cord (lol),
Your computer broken is not because the cockroach who bore in your CPU,

but believe me!

Your computer broken is because your children obey your commands.

You need to note this: Give your children a clear command when commanding something good.

Fail Army and Wrong Command |
Wrong command, and unexprienced army (parent)

I remember when my parents complaining because the computer don't want to turned on.

Untill I realized if that was my mistake, OMG.

I realized, I was wrong because I often watered the computer to make it cool again. It would make me can play the computer again.

Actually, that's my brilliant idea to make warm computer to back normal again, lol.

About giving a command to your children, here's the example of giving wrong command:

Parents told the children to not spending money recklessly for buying meal or snack because the food in canteen is not necessarily healthier.

The child will obey the command.

But another problem arise. The child don't buy anything in the canteen. Finally, this kid is hungry, and he can't concentrate when studying.

Happy Eating Kids |
Give a good meal for your children, and serve it with love.


What is the conclusion from the story above?

When you ordered something to your children, always remember to:
  1. Giving clear command;
  2. If banning something, give the reason why;
  3. If banning food at school, serve him a meal or anything else for lunch;
  4. and think like your childern's thought.

I hope parents nowadays can take a valuable message from my experience. The story is really happens in my life, and I shared it. Above is a video that can make your children obey.

If you have any advices or questions just leave it on comment box below! Happy Gaming, and Parenting!

Last Updated: Tuesday, June 30, 2016 11:47PM
All images here is creative common, non-commercial uses, and free to modify.

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Valuable Message: Turn the Computer Off When It Get Warm!
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